TeamChild’s Spring Retreat – Persistent Rivers
TeamChild Staff and several Board members gathered last month at Dumas Bay Center for our first in-person retreat since 2019. This serves as a launching point for strategic planning.
TeamChild Staff and several Board members gathered last month at Dumas Bay Center for our first in-person retreat since 2019. This serves as a launching point for strategic planning.
TeamChild’s vision for our schools is an end to exclusion and cycles of harm perpetuated onto students of color and students with disabilities.
The services and supports needed for young people, their families, and communities must be adequately funded now to assure that they can weather all of the ups and downs of growing up.
This Women’s History Month, and on the 60th anniversary of the legal decision Gideon v. Wainwright, TeamChild Policy Coordinator Julian Cooper references the Teen Vogue article by Emily Galvin Almanza in a letter of appreciation to, and an ask for continued accountability from, our staff.
Substitute House Bill 1479 (Banning isolation and restraint in schools) made it past the most recent cutoff and is still alive to become law this session. It has many hurdles to face before this session ends on April 23, 2023.
As we continue to build out our systemic advocacy, we hope to expand the power and reach of youth voice by growing our relationships and following guidance from young people who are directly impacted by failures of the systems we work in.
In a decision that was issued in December and published this month, the Court held that, under state law, students have a right of return after a suspension ends. State law prohibits indefinite suspension and expulsion and requires procedural protections before the right of education is taken away from a student.
As we head into 2023 — a year of strategic planning for TeamChild — each one of us on our staff and Board is deeply reflecting on how we can meet the challenges of today while doing the work to prevent harm from happening in the first place.
Young people should be able to co-design solutions to problems impacting them, and be actively involved at the table for how we implement those changes.
TeamChild attorneys Marshaun Barber, Kimberly Williams and Sara Zier presented tips and resources earlier this month for Washington defenders working with youth.