Stand With Youth
TeamChild provides free legal services and advocacy for youth involved in the juvenile justice system, child welfare, education, and mental health systems in Washington State. By helping youth secure housing, stay in school, and access community-based services, TeamChild addresses systemic barriers and empowers young people to achieve their goals.
Our Mission
TeamChild upholds the rights of youth involved, or at risk of being involved, in the juvenile justice system to help them secure the education, healthcare, housing, and other supports they need to achieve positive outcomes in their lives.
We Are Here to Help
Youth impacted by Washington Juvenile Rehabilitation (JR) can receive free legal services through TeamChild. Youth are eligible if they are:
Currently incarcerated at JR on juvenile or adult sentences
On JR parole
Recently released from JR
Your Donation Makes a Lasting Impact
Support TeamChild in transforming systems to uplift young people. Your contribution helps reimagine supports that build youth power, foster belonging, and create opportunities for brighter futures.
Our Community Impact Report
Our impact is seen in improved outcomes for youth, reduced involvement in the criminal justice system, and strengthened support networks that foster long-term success. Read our report to learn more about our recent work.
Policy Advocacy
Policy advocacy is a critical component of achieving our agency's mission and vision. Our policy work supports transformation for all youth in Washington state impacted by the juvenile legal system, incarceration, and other oppressive systems.
Our guiding principles for policy reform are:
Decriminalization, decarceration, and abolition
Expanding and investing in community-led and community-based alternatives and resources
Increasing equitable access to education, healthcare, and housing supports
Shifting power and repairing harm in BIPOC communities