Get Involved
The work to advance justice for young people is community work – all of us have a role to play. We are so grateful to all of our partners and supporters who are contributing time, talent and dollars to TeamChild’s mission!
Become an Advocate
Join the Youth Advisory Board
Beginning in 2024, the Youth Advisory Board is now fully integrated with TeamChild. Now that the YAB is solely overseen by TeamChild, members will now be able to expand their scope of work outside of education and dive deeper into policy and advocacy.
Contact Your Representatives
We strongly encourage civic engagement as we work toward building a better future for our youth to thrive and have improved outcomes as they navigate the juvenile justice system. To find your representative and reach them regarding important issues, visit the following link and insert your address into the correct fields to be directed to representatives in your legislative district: Washington State Legislature.
Stay Informed
TeamChild advocates are adults and community allies who are engaged in the work to uplift youth voice in the policy process and create lasting change for all. You can get involved by signing up for action alerts today, and check out our Blog for the latest policy updates and education on youth issues.
Support Our Work
Make a Donation
Your donations make our work possible. We leverage public, private, and in-kind support to provide holistic legal advocacy for young people and push for systemic changes that replace school exclusion, detention, and incarceration with restorative and community driven responses.
Become a Sustaining Supporter
A regular monthly contribution ensures that our legal and programs staff get the support they need to break down barriers for and with young people. We love our monthly donors!
Make a Gift of Stock
Gifts of stock are welcome. For more information, including details of our brokerage account, please reach out to Meredith Cambre, Director of Development and communications at
Legacy Planning
The work to advance justice will live beyond any one of us – to support TeamChild’s work by including us in your estate planning, please reach out to Meredith Cambre, Director of Development and communications at