CALL US TeamChild staff are working remotely and can be reached by e-mail and phone.
TeamChild is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
Federal Tax ID# 91-1930194
CALL US TeamChild staff are working remotely and can be reached by e-mail and phone.
Young people are the experts about their own lived experiences and needs, and they are centered in our legal services work.
As an organization dedicated to serving youth, we understand the need and demand for the services that TeamChild provides. Our civil legal services are limited to youth in four counties at this time. TeamChild is only able to serve youth in the following counties King, Pierce, Spokane, and Yakima.
Our statewide work remains open for youth who are currently in juvenile detention with no housing and youth who have been incarcerated in Juvenile Rehabilitation throughout the state of Washington.
If you are not referring a youth who is detained or in need of services in King, Pierce, Spokane, and Yakima counties, please contact other legal resources in your area.
TeamChild provides free legal services directly to young people to help them overcome obstacles that get in the way of their success. Generally, we work with young people between the ages of 12 and 24 who live in King, Pierce, Spokane, or Yakima counties, or young people currently or recently incarcerated in one of the state’s Juvenile Rehabilitation (JR) facilities. We prioritize clients who are low-income or would not be able to afford a private attorney.
Youth often feel hopeless about getting back on track after things go wrong. TeamChild’s legal advice and representation can help a youth get onto an education or employment track, secure stable and safe housing, build support for health and well-being, and reduce more episodes of incarceration and juvenile court involvement.
TeamChild’s legal services are free. Since starting as a pilot project in 1995, TeamChild has received over 13,000 referrals and served close to 10,000 youth in Washington State.
Call TeamChild’s intake teams. Here’s how:
If you are a youth or making contact on behalf of a youth who is incarcerated in a Juvenile Rehabilitation (JR) facility, you can reach our JR Team at:
Call: (509) 392-5498
Email: [email protected]
For all other youth, you can reach our specialized Referral Team at:
Call: (877) 295-2714 Toll-free
Fax: (206) 381-1742
Email: [email protected]
If you are not referring a youth who is detained or in need of services in King, Pierce, Spokane, and Yakima counties, please contact other legal resources in your area.
General legal services
Education Attorneys
Legal Counsel for Youth and Children
Office of Education Ombuds (education advocacy)
WashingtonLawHelp (self advocacy materials)
I met Sam after her public defender referred her to TeamChild. I learned that Sam was in juvenile court because she pushed a police officer after he had slammed her brother to the ground during an arrest. Sam plead guilty to assaulting the officer and avoided juvenile prison through an alternative disposition.* A few months later, her probation officer set a court hearing to revoke this alternative disposition. Sam was struggling in middle school and her suspensions and expulsions violated the conditions of the alternative disposition.
When I met with Sam, who had a special education plan because of disabilities, she said she needed more help and different strategies. Here’s how systems can work against youth: insufficient supports lead to expulsions which result in jail time. We stepped in. I reviewed Sam’s special education program and brought the school’s attention to the ways in which it had not met its duties under federal special education law. As a result of this advocacy and a formal complaint, the school made major changes to Sam’s program and offered her hundreds of hours in tutoring to help her catch up after missing so much school.
I stood with Sam at the juvenile court hearing and explained to the judge that Sam’s problems in school stemmed from how the school had fallen short of its obligation to support her. I shared information about Sam’s new special education program, and the additional tutoring she would get. The judge did not revoke the alternative disposition, recognizing how the school had fallen short. Our advocacy gave Sam a second chance. She was able to meet all of the court’s expectations, avoid incarceration, successfully put her juvenile court matter behind her, and move on with her life.
*”Disposition” is what juvenile courts in Washington call the “sentence” in a juvenile criminal case
When youth are in crisis and not receiving the support they need to survive.
When current practices repeatedly and systematically hold young people back
1225 South Weller St, Suite 420
Seattle, WA 98144
Phone: (206) 322-2444
Fax: (206) 381-1742
Email: [email protected]
TeamChild is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
Federal Tax ID# 91-1930194