CALL US TeamChild staff are working remotely and can be reached by e-mail and phone.
TeamChild is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
Federal Tax ID# 91-1930194
CALL US TeamChild staff are working remotely and can be reached by e-mail and phone.
Facts and stories matter. We draw from research, data, and client experience to advance reforms that improve outcomes for youth.
A court’s decision can have sweeping impact on civil rights and the law. When broader principles of law are the subject of a case, courts often receive opinions from interested people, called Amicus curiae (a Latin phrase that means “friend of the court”). As amici, advocates can share their perspective with the courts, typically in the form of a legal brief. TeamChild has collaborated on a number of briefs where important rights for youth were being heard by the court. Click on the cases below for more details.
Reclaiming Students: The educational & economic costs of exclusionary school discipline in Washington State
Category: School Discipline
In December 2012, TeamChild and Washington Appleseed published this joint report, presenting a first of its kind look at the statewide impact of school exclusions on Washington State students. The report included recommendations for moving forward in transforming school discipline and keeping more students engaged in school and on track to graduate. Many thanks to our project partners including: Washington Appleseed, the ACLU of Washington and Garvey Schubert Barer.
Washington Judicial Colloquies
This user-friendly tool is designed for judges. The sample language is written at an elementary school level with the goal of increasing a youth’s understanding of court processes and orders. A Do’s and Don’ts form can easily be tailored by practitioners to include local practices.
1225 South Weller St, Suite 420
Seattle, WA 98144
Phone: (206) 322-2444
Fax: (206) 381-1742
Email: [email protected]
TeamChild is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
Federal Tax ID# 91-1930194