CALL US TeamChild staff are working remotely and can be reached by e-mail and phone.
TeamChild is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
Federal Tax ID# 91-1930194
CALL US TeamChild staff are working remotely and can be reached by e-mail and phone.
We are tenacious problem solvers with legal expertise in all aspects of the law impacting youth. Our primary areas of practice focus on youth rights to education, healthcare, housing and the intersections between the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. We find out what matters to youth who ask for our help, and our lawyers champion their solutions to overcome the obstacles to their success. We stand with youth.
Our legal expertise and training give us a unique vantage point. We see how injustice and inequity are hard-wired into public systems of care. We are driven to shine light where policies and practices allow for disparities and poor outcomes to persist. We are earnest in calling in key stakeholders to dismantle systems that don’t work. We are dedicated to holding space for impacted youth and community to develop and drive the solutions and strategies that replace outdated and ineffective approaches that dehumanize, isolate and damage youth.
We use three program strategies that work together to achieve impact for youth:
When youth are in crisis and not receiving the support they need to survive.
When current practices repeatedly and systematically hold young people back
1225 South Weller St, Suite 420
Seattle, WA 98144
Phone: (206) 322-2444
Fax: (206) 381-1742
Email: [email protected]
TeamChild is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
Federal Tax ID# 91-1930194